Important.  Internal advertising to respondents and app users

Important. Internal advertising to respondents and app users

GeenStijl 21.0 becomes GeenStijl 21.1

Ladies and gentlemen, dear travellers, we at GeenStijl have good news. The improvement of enters a new phase today: we have a new login system. The old one still works, but the new one gets better (including two-factor authentication, key rotation, and brute force protection, so hello). For anyone visiting GeenStijl via browser, this means: Sign in again (using your old trusted password) and everything should work smoothly. but! For app users, that means you Necessary measures must be takenWhich new update Install (Android here,iOS there, it may be available in a few hours/days thanks to Big Tech Bureaucracy). You can still log in to your old app the old way for the next three weeks, but the plug will be pulled sometime in June. Then you can no longer log in. But if you update your app, you can log in again. But then you already know that. Then, if within three weeks you receive mass messages from our mailbox/voicemail/fax machine that you cannot log into, we can tell you that you have already been warned. So here it is: you’ve been warned.

*clears throat*

All this new stuff costs money. If you want to contribute to GeenStijl living happily ever after, you can HERERR Become a premium member From your favorite blog on the Internet, then we continue blogging independently. We also greatly appreciate your occasional donation.

to update – Just set some BMovl filters and you can respond again!
update update – Bmovl filters are up and running, and we’re quietly working on the backend with some minor fixes

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