How dangerous are pests and how do you deal with them safely?

How dangerous are pests and how do you deal with them safely?

People are not always good at assessing the risks of handling certain animals. a Remove wasps nest For example, it is often done carelessly, without taking the correct safety measures. Even nests that may look small from the outside often contain more wasps than you previously expected, and if you have allergies, stings are not only annoying, but dangerous. Also, in the case of seemingly harmless insect bites, such as mosquitoes or ants, the risk of allergic reactions and transmission of viruses and bacteria is minimized. While the fear of bats, which will bite and transmit rabies, remains very persistent and often unjustified. Want to know what types of pests you have the right to worry about and how you can deal with them safely? Read it here!

If you suspect there is a wasp nest hiding somewhere around your home, observe the area that sees the most activity to locate the entrance. If the nest is larger than a small ball, you cannot correctly estimate its size or the nest site is difficult to access, it is wise to have the nest removed by an exterminator. Are you going to start on your own? Then make sure you wear thick, well-protected clothing before you approach the nest. Do not underestimate a wasp sting, as it can easily penetrate the fabric of good jeans. For example, wear motorcycle clothing or work clothes, a helmet or face mask with mesh, and thick, sturdy gloves. In the evening, when all the wasps have gathered in the nest, sprinkle wasp powder in the nest to repel them, and then you can destroy the nest. When in doubt or at risk, always contact an exterminator.

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If you discover that a bat is living in your shed or even your attic, you probably won't like it and want to get rid of it quickly. These creatures generally cause little inconvenience, but many people find the idea of ​​a bat a bit scary. It is true that bats can spread the deadly contagious disease rabies, but the risk of doing so is very small. As long as you don't pick up the bat or hit it with your bare hands – which you probably weren't planning to do anyway – there's nothing to worry about and in most cases you can easily get the animal out of your home. Turn off the lights and open the window and the bat will almost certainly fly out on its own. Remember, bats are protected and should not be controlled or even chased, so seek help if a bat won't leave your home on its own.

A danger that is often underestimated is the bites of seemingly harmless insects, especially mosquitoes. Since the sting itself often has little effect and usually only causes an itchy bump, you're probably not paying any attention to it. But the mosquito, for example, can carry dangerous pathogens such as dengue, chikungunya and malaria. If you are bitten by an infected mosquito, the virus can be transmitted through a small prick. Take measures to keep mosquitoes out of your home as much as possible by covering your rain barrel, opening any clogged gutters, and removing layers of water from pots in the house and garden. This way you can safely deal with annoying animals.

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