GTST spoilers – Monday 8 to Thursday 11 April 2024

GTST spoilers – Monday 8 to Thursday 11 April 2024

Make sure you're ready, because in the second week of April 2024, fans will be able to… Good times bad times Expect many surprises again. Turn like this Meryl and Stefano She finally returns from New York and Shanti discovers something that could radically change her relationship with Rick.

Would you rather know what happens this week?

Read also: Next week on GTST: Known fault lines and apocalyptic emergencies

Monday, April 8, 2024

Shanti thinks she knows the reason for her complaints. Janine and Ludo are pleasantly surprised by an unexpected return. Julian tries to figure out how much work Henk has to do as an informal carer.

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Ludo's offer was unexpectedly rejected. Shanti is overcome with emotions, but once Rick enters, she and Nina act as if nothing happened. Linda wakes up early to help Janine.

Good times bad times

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Bing tries to engage Nola in a conversation about alcohol. Naomi surprises Steph when she comes to help close the door. Marwan takes Tamara with him so they can finally be alone for a while.

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Julian and Elsa decide to throw a party to celebrate Meryl's graduation. Ludo and Janine show up unexpectedly at the party. Unfortunately, their gift stands out from the rest. Steve and Naomi decided to keep the fact that they had something going on a secret for a while.

Good times bad times It can be watched on RTL4 from Monday to Thursday at 8:00 pm. You can go back and forward through Videoland.

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