Graffiti action for the sick Ruby: ‘She wants so badly to live independently’

Graffiti action for the sick Ruby: ‘She wants so badly to live independently’

David Jurgans of Amsterdam Graffiti Art has been working on artwork for Ruby Alladin.  Image courtesy of Rolyn Skippower
David Jurgans of Amsterdam Graffiti Art has been working on artwork for Ruby Alladin.Image courtesy of Rolyn Skippower

For more than a decade, Ruby has been confined to her bed by a spinal cord syndrome, which means that her spine is attached to the lower vertebrae, along with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, a connective tissue disorder. The 25-year-old woman has been lying in pain all day in a dark room in Watercrafsmere, where she lives with her mother, Rolyn Schipover, 55.

Spoke in January Head Parole Skipper and about his daughter The crowd campaign was set up for her. Ruby needs a total of 200,000 euros to operate twice in the United States, working with the only doctor who can help her. In January, 110,000 euros were needed, and now another 52,000 euros have to be raised. Graffiti artist and hospitality entrepreneur David Jர்கrgens, 39, wants to help.

Perfect location

Jurgens heard about his situation from rapper Extins, who promised Ruby. Two of his cafes have been closed due to Corona’s activities, leaving more time for graffiti for Jurkens. “That’s how I came up with the idea of ​​using Amsterdam graffiti art. I do my job under that name, for the crowd.” Location soon found. Cafe Louis Davids, owned by Jurgans and his brother, is ‘in one place’. “Lots of traffic passes by; is the perfect place to get attention.”

The result: a striking graffiti job that no one can pass through Rijnstrot. “Sleep in a dark room for ten years. It cannot be done, it is simply inhumane. Ruby is very creative and has many ambitions. I do this in the hope that she can still fulfill those ambitions. ”

David Jurgans of Amsterdam Graffiti Art has been working on artwork for Ruby Alladin.  Image courtesy of Rolyn Skippower
David Jurgans of Amsterdam Graffiti Art has been working on artwork for Ruby Alladin.Image courtesy of Rolyn Skippower

United States

When Jurgans came up with the idea, Schiffer was pleasantly surprised: “Fantastic, great!” Anyway, the mother and daughter are leaving for the US on Friday, where Ruby will undergo various exams. It determines what the planned function will look like. If enough money is raised in the coming weeks, a second move may follow. “One function is useful, but Ruby can only be recovered by two functions. We do everything we can to get that money in a timely manner.”

The Amsterdam woman has faith. “I will not let anyone stop me, otherwise my daughter will die. It’s so simple. And I have a lot of confidence in the American doctor. He says if the measures continue, there is an 80 to 100 percent 90 percent chance of recovery. We focus on that. “Skipover sees sadness and loneliness in her daughter every day, but she also has hope.” Otherwise she would have given up a long time ago. She wants so badly to live independently, to follow her interests and start a family one day.

Ruby Allatin is confined to bed.  Image courtesy of Rolyn Skippower
Ruby Allatin is confined to bed.Image courtesy of Rolyn Skippower

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