GGD Doctor: “Don’t think it’s necessary to close borders” |  1 Limburg

GGD Doctor: “Don’t think it’s necessary to close borders” | 1 Limburg

Christian Hubei, head of infectious disease control at GGD Zuid-Limburg, believes that it is unnecessary to close borders in the fight against Coronavirus.

Hoebe made his remarks on L1 Evening guests: Corona in Limburg.

Cross-border traffic
In recent months, GGD and Maastricht UMC + have been conducting research into the factors affecting the spread of Coronavirus in Limburg. The interim results show that border movement plays only a secondary role in proliferation. This is definitely interesting to Limburg, says Hubei: “It is very important for the borders to be open, because there is a lot of traffic on the border.”

The study looked at people who went abroad, not people who refuel or go shopping. “The research shows that the number of antibodies is low in that particular group,” says Hubei, “whereas if it was really important in spreading the virus, the research should have shown it.”

So the GGD doctor comes to a clear conclusion. “I do not think it is necessary to close the borders and what Germany is doing now is absolutely necessary.” People who want to go to Germany should be able to submit a negative corona test since last Tuesday.

And the survey showed that 20 percent of Limburgers who participated in the survey have now obtained antibodies to the Corona virus. Since these numbers are from November, that number is now higher, Hubei says: “In the meantime, 65,000 people have been added, so now we’re 25 percent of people and vaccines are being added to that.”

Hoebe also responded on AvondGasten to the news announced by the European Medicines Agency (EMA). According to the EMA, there is a possible link between a rare combination of thrombosis, low platelet count and the AstraZeneca vaccine.

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Hoebe finds the news about AstraZeneca “confusing”: “It’s not very comfortable at all. Because we GGD only want one thing: vaccines. If I could start over tomorrow. We see a connection, but it’s all about a very specific type of thrombosis. It’s rare and it appeared that day. Your risk of contracting coronavirus is much greater. “

Read also: Antibody research: big differences for each business sector

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