Four common weight loss mistakes according to a nutritionist

Four common weight loss mistakes according to a nutritionist

You exercise enough and diet, but losing weight is difficult. why is that? You may fall into these pitfalls, according to an expert. Four mistakes to avoid.

When one loses kilos effortlessly, losing weight is much more difficult for the other. Nutritionist Alex Thomas sees this, too. He participates article The most common mistakes made in the fight against pounds, you don’t have to make them.

Four mistakes while losing weight

1. You are not deficient in calories

The most important rule while losing weight is to be in a calorie deficit. In principle, it doesn’t matter what you eat, as long as it is less than your daily needs. Daily requirements vary from person to person. You can imagine that someone with a sedentary job burns a lot fewer calories than someone who works in construction.

2. You’re on a very strict diet

Have you completely banned beer, chips, nuts, chocolate, burgers, french fries, pizza and pasta from your diet? According to Thomas, this backfires. If you are on a strict diet, the chance of relapse is very high. If you have an all or nothing mentality, it will lead you cheat day Maybe more than a kilogram, because you no longer care.

It is better to choose a diet that lasts longer. This basically means healthy food, and sometimes something tasty. The 80/20 rule is a good example of this. 80% of the meals you eat should be healthy. The other 20 percent consists of tasty and less healthy food. The chance of maintaining this for a longer period of time is much higher than on a strict diet.

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3. Completely avoid carbohydrates or fats

Avoiding certain food groups has been touted as a “weight loss method” for years, only with no results. Thomas also says it’s important to eat a varied diet, as that’s the only way to ensure you’re getting enough micro and macro nutrients. Therefore, a good and varied diet consists of carbohydrates, proteins and fats.

By eliminating fat from your diet, you don’t lose weight. And completely removing carbohydrates from your diet doesn’t magically lead to weight loss. Your body needs this nutrient to function properly.

4. You give up too quickly

Are you losing your heart if you don’t lose weight after a week of healthy eating? Weight loss is a slow process, which is why giving up too quickly is one of the most common mistakes. However, maintaining your new lifestyle is important to making progress. Those pounds didn’t come off in one week, so why did they have to come off so quickly?

Instead of focusing on a healthy lifestyle instead of focusing on losing weight as quickly as possible. This is not only better for your health, but for you as well Mentality.

You can read more tips on effective weight loss here.

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Four common weight loss mistakes, according to a nutritionist

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