Five years after the first image of a black hole: Is there really more knowledge about this phenomenon?

Five years after the first image of a black hole: Is there really more knowledge about this phenomenon?

It was global news when the black hole image was released. Albert Einstein actually had theories about these mysterious apparitions, but they had never been recorded before. However, it remains a phenomenon that is not understood by many. But not for Valcke. “A black hole has a huge mass and enormous gravity that causes everything in it to disappear, even light. You can't see the black hole itself, but you can see how the light disappears in a ring of light around it,” the astrophysicist said.

.the great explosion

“A black hole is actually the end of measurable reality,” Falk continues. “Just as the Big Bang was the beginning of everything, a black hole is pretty much the end of everything. It's possible that the black hole will also evaporate at some point.” Falk asserts that before such a black hole evaporates, we will disappear. So we shouldn't be afraid of that. “In the universe we are not eternal.”


That first image of a black hole wasn't groundbreaking in science. The theory behind this has been confirmed, allowing further research to be conducted. “Black holes have become measurable, and with the Big Bang they represent the frontier of our knowledge,” Falk explains. More images have now been taken that confirm the black hole's existence.

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