Feedback |  An old man comes to the doctor …

Feedback | An old man comes to the doctor …

For the first time in history, a woman has served as US president. Her name is Kamala Harris, it’s an hour and 25 minutes, but still. It was properly minted, but the world would have missed it if Joe Biden’s medical research had not been published. There will always be excitement about that check-up.

Feedback | An old man comes to the doctor …

Biden, who turned 79 on Saturday, handed over power to Harris after undergoing a one-hour, 25-minute bowel examination. Regular at that age, but yes. பிடன்

According to his doctor, he has some ailments: the diaphragm ruptures a little in his stomach, resulting in heartburn and a well-known cough. And wear on the back and legs, making it a little harder to move. There are no details about the neurological part of the study, but the doctor says Biden is in excellent health.

Fox News immediately a Professor at the table The non-release of the scan sowed suspicion. According to Politico’s poll, think Forty percent said Biden’s health was stable, And only 46 per cent think he is mentally capable of leading the country. In short: the story immediately becomes the beginning of the message and no one can control it.

The health of the head of state or government is almost nowhere in the public domain of the world. Yes, you read sometimes that Kim Jong-un fell from North Korea Putin denied that he had Parkinson’s disease. But in ordinary democracies, the health of leaders is personalized, as well as their tax returns are made public in the United States.

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Is there No legal obligation To do that, everyone remembers Donald Trump, who simply refused. What we have already forgotten is that Bill Clinton also wanted to keep his doctors’ diagnosis secret, and Barack Obama revealed a sheet of A4 with a meaningless summary. It also depends on the character. Eisenhower hid the severity of his heart condition, and John Kennedy’s doctors flatly denied that he had Addison’s disease, but Lyndon Johnson shamelessly pulled his shirt off and showed reporters the scars of gallbladder surgery.

We would be surprised if the community started asking for health data and tax accounts of Rutte, Merkel or Macron. They have that information within themselves and they are right. Yes, what was Kamala Harris doing in those one hour and 25 minutes as US President? Annoyed to call Putin, or Ji, or something? No, she was watching the Capital Budget debate.

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