If you went to the end of last week Zack Snyders Army of the dead You might have noticed that something isn’t always right. Every now and then it looks as if the scene has dead pixels, or that there are white areas on parts of your screen.Some viewers reported this on Twitter. For example, while watching Zack Snyder’s movie about zombies, some people thought their TV was down. But since not all scenes contain dead pixels, it’s up to the camera.
why him?
Variety writes based on someone’s response to Reddit that one of the camera sensors might have been broken without anyone noticing.
For this particular movie, the story goes that Snyder used RED Monstro digital cameras, wearing old Canon lenses to give the film a unique look and feel. But that is not the case with this movie only.
Netflix seems to have white or broken pixels in their production quite often. This also applies to the series, for example Shadow and Bones, But also for the movie extraction. What is going on is not entirely clear.
According to Variety, dead pixels are unlikely to be spotted during post-processing, so leaving them in the movie should be a conscious decision. In any case, it did indeed yield the title: Dead pixel army.
No, it really isn’t, look here for an army of dead pixels. The pictures don’t do it justice but here is one, having a very bright spot on your screen is quite distracting. I think it only shows up in 4K HDR, in lower versions you probably won’t notice it pic.twitter.com/jP7yap07dL
– K3v8az (@ k3v8az) May 23, 2021
Although, I thought my new LG OLED device broke down after watching Army of the Dead game! I can’t believe a movie can be fired with as few pixels as this. I was raging at first!
Simon Edwards (@ Turak64) May 24, 2021
Lmao wasn’t just me pic.twitter.com/vbzOIEIB5D
Grimoire Vice (uzionmain) May 22, 2021
Dead pixel army pic.twitter.com/gg6Z4MTZ73
JackPainterX May 23, 2021