Fans are dissatisfied with the image of the moon “Smoking”: “Smoking until 1980”

Fans are dissatisfied with the image of the moon “Smoking”: “Smoking until 1980”

For example, photo followers write: “I hate that in photography people always pretend that smoking is aesthetic thing. It’s ugly,“ Smoking kills me ”,“ Smoking until 1980 ”and“ Oh moon, we don’t really smoke, do we Are harmful to your health. ”

The fan is disappointed that, according to him, the meanings have a perfect job:you did not. You are an example for many young people and a smoke-free generation. Smoking is outdated, deadly and definitely not cool at all.

Tony Jr, Maan’s ex-boyfriend, brings some fun to the angry reactions. He writes that this photo is “incorrect”, but believes it is a “sick picture.” “A little out of the comfort zone every now and then, right?” The singer responds.

Maan was also in the news earlier in the day. The reason for this is an unexpected statement from presenter Loretta Shriver. When I got in coffee time He went over the Ma’an dowry, Tell Suddenly, Loretta says, “My husband said it was as if the rats smelled her.” This, in turn, led to the fun in the studio. Loretta confirmed that the moon looks good. “But can you see me coming home this way?”

Maan recently sang a special duet with Nick Childer. In the video below, she excitedly talks about musical collaboration.

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