Falling from 28 meters, Death Valley Park Tourism dies

Falling from 28 meters, Death Valley Park Tourism dies


An incident occurred Death Valley National Park, USA. Tourists fall from a great height in the valley or trekking in the valley.

According to the United States Death Valley National Park, quoted from NBC News on Saturday (6/2/2021), a California man fell from a cliff and fell from a height of nearly 100 feet. The accident happened when a tourist named Justin Ibershaw was descending a steep cliff in the Timos Canyon area with six of his friends.

In fact, they were already very experienced, and most of the team members had already landed Valley This was several times before. But apparently Justin descended an unstable slope, and at last the large rock he had stepped on fell him into a valley, 95 feet or 28 meters high, on the edge of a dry waterfall.

Justin’s friends warn the search and rescue team. The search lasted for several hours using a Navy VX-31 helicopter. But unfortunately, Justin was found lifeless the next day.

This is not the first time a similar incident has occurred two years ago, to be precise, in March 2019 when a tourist named Matthew Youssee climbed 4,000 feet. He died after falling from a height of 380 feet or 115 meters in Death Valley National Park.

According to NBS, the valley combines hiking, downhill and canyoning. This activity is becoming increasingly popular in Death Valley National Park.

The park service warns tourists that conditions in the area are unstable. So it is better to avoid the above Timos Canyon.

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