Enter Latin America via Colombia

Enter Latin America via Colombia

Despite the corona crisis, entrepreneurs are still looking for opportunities abroad. That’s why we talk about Business Over de Grans every Tuesday. “The Dutch have a margin in Colombia, but don’t start talking about Pablo Escobar,” says Esther Johnson, founder of Culture-Inc. And author of the book Doing Business From Here to Tokyo.

Enter Latin America via Colombia

Latin American market

Columbia is becoming increasingly popular, not just because of the Netflix series about Pablo Escobar. According to Johnson, Colombia is very interesting because it is the gateway to the Latin American market. ‘One reason for this is that Colombians are called hard workers with a business purpose. That really applies to the Dutch. You can find more Dutch companies operating in Colombia. It occurs in all kinds of fields such as milk, flowers and maritime services. The “The Orange EconomyIs increasing. This does not apply to Dutch, but applies to IT and digital, in which Dutch companies are also active. ‘

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Not only do the Dutch have opportunities in Colombia, they also excel there. According to Johnson they also have an advantage. ‘They have an advantage when it comes to reliability and honesty. Colombians think it is very important. However, the Dutch tend to offer direct criticism or comments. As a rule, it does not work so well. You have to provide clear instructions, show loving interest and a lot of appreciation and respect for the Colombians ’setback. So don’t start talking about Pablo Escobar. ‘

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About doing business at the border

Everything you need to know about doing business across borders. A weekly column, online as a podcast. Listen live on Sacandoyan at 13:15 pm on Mondays, or whenever you wish via bnr.nl/podcast/zakendoen-over-de-grens Apple Podcast Of Spotify.

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