Ecosia selects JCDecaux as a partner in its first out-of-home campaign

Ecosia selects JCDecaux as a partner in its first out-of-home campaign

Ecosia is an environmentally friendly search engine, profits are being used to grow trees all over the world. With an international brand campaign in 12 European cities, Ecosia aims to raise awareness by spreading the message widely through outdoor advertising JCDecaux.

The campaign concept stems from the brand’s award-winning ‘Strange Queries’ video submitted by students from the German Film Academy in Baden-Württemberg. In the video, weird searches, performed through the search engine, are converted into a situation where a tree appears where exactly the search was performed – starting from the city bus to the lecture hall – and ending with the words, ‘regardless of how your odd search was requested. We plant trees anyway. “

JCDecaux on digital displays displays expressions with unusual searches also performed in cities where the objects are located. The campaign is part of JCDecaux’s Nurture program, a division within the company that works with sustainable startups across Europe to help them increase awareness of their brand.

“It’s our first major OOH campaign and we couldn’t have been better off with a partner like JCDecaux, who is committed to Net Zero and shares our ambitious goals when it comes to tackling the climate crisis. With their support, we can reach millions of new Ecosia users and then plant millions of other trees around the world “.
Hannah Weeks, CMO Ecosia

The campaign is called “Alien Searches” and will be published in more than 3,700 items in 12 cities in Europe: Berlin, Hamburg and Cologne in Germany; Paris, Lyon, Bordeaux and Marseille in France; Amsterdam and Rotterdam in the Netherlands, and London, Manchester and Edinburgh in the United Kingdom. The campaign aims to inform new users of the possibility of planting trees through their searches.

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“We are extremely proud of this collaboration with Ecosia. Proud, because through this campaign we are helping to create awareness of Ecosia and we are also proud, because through this campaign we receive recognition for the investments in our global commitment to reduce our carbon footprint. In JCDecaux, it goes beyond the hollow marketing slogan, which has been proven. With our good results in FTSE4Good and the fact that JCDecaux has achieved the highest AAA score in MSCI (Morgan Stanley Capital International) for Corporate Social Responsibility. This makes JCDecaux the only company in the media and entertainment sector with a grade like this. Just create teams, especially in this period. “
Hanilor Major, Managing Director, JCDecaux Netherlands

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JCDecaux is a subsidiary of JCDecaux SA (Euronext Paris: DEC) which is the market leader in outdoor advertising both in the Netherlands and in the world. Objects of this outdoor advertising player – Shelters, Mupis and Billboards – appear in nearly all major cities in the Netherlands.

Ecosia is the world’s largest non-profit search engine. Headquartered in Berlin, the company has planted more than 120 million trees in 26 countries. In 2014 Ecosia was certified as a B Corporation and in 2017 the first four solar power plants were built to ensure 100% energy sustainability and up to 200% sustainability by July 2020. And in 2018, Ecosia relinquished shares for the incorporation purpose, to ensure that it could not Anyone, including the founder, is able to make a profit or receive profits from the company. Ecosia was founded in 2009 by Christian Kroll.

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