“Don’t come, don’t come,” Vice President Kamala Harris told asylum seekers.

“Don’t come, don’t come,” Vice President Kamala Harris told asylum seekers.

Kamala Harris warns potential immigrants: Whoever comes to the US border will be sent back.

Illegal immigration

The US Vice President spoke about this with Guatemalan President Alejandro Giamatti. The two want to work together to combat illegal immigration from Central America and fight corruption in the region.

Harris said the two agreed that “people don’t want to leave their homes.” The United States wants Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras to take more measures against corruption to improve the living conditions of the population. According to Harris, people need to feel that “help is on the way.”

Make your country more attractive

Attempts to make life more attractive in their country are undermined, among other things, by corruption scandals. Harris said there will be a US task force to help local prosecutors punish corruption in Central America.

Harris took charge of the immigrant dossier, which revolves around the arrival of illegal immigrants from Central America, this spring. Since the departure of President Donald Trump, more immigrants have returned to the United States again. Incumbent President Joe Biden has turned against Trump’s tough immigration policy سياسة It has been fixed.

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