'Director' Louwerens makes poignant revelation in The Smartest: 'I don't know if this is wise' |  Displays

'Director' Louwerens makes poignant revelation in The Smartest: 'I don't know if this is wise' | Displays

Marco Loerens may be 57 years old, but he has never abandoned a single childhood habit. The former Talpa channel director admits this in a new episode of The smartest person.

In one round of questions, presenter Philipp Frerichs asks candidates what it means to be an “Arctic lover”. marco lawrens, VolkskrantColumnist Sheila Setalsingh and comedian Tim Hartog couldn't explain exactly what that means.

Philip Frericks then explains that he is a “teddy bear lover” and asks the Louwerens if he has such a fluffy friend. “Well, I don't know if it's wise to say this, but I still have a little frog. That's 57 years old – next to my bed. Every now and then, when I'm feeling bad or ill, I want to put it next to my pillow.

The Louwerens' honesty paid off in the end, as the channel manager managed to claw his way into the semi-finals. He had to play the final against Sheila Setalsingh, because Tim Hartog had the highest score. Both candidates knew a lot, but Setalsingh was at a critical moment, so Lovrens was able to save himself and win the final round.

In the semi-finals on Thursday, Marco Luerence and Tim Hartog will play against actor Joyce Browers.

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