Deliveroo launches Tour de Food

Deliveroo launches Tour de Food

The phrase “Tour de Food” means: ride a bike, run or take a road in the shape of your favorite meal and then get that dish for free via Deliveroo. This is how sports become really fun.

food tour
Because what makes our heart beat faster? True, from sports and, of course, good food. After all, it’s about finding the right balance. That’s why Deliveroo is rewarding sports fans with their favorite meal this month, provided they put in the physical effort first. So create a path in the shape of your favorite dish, such as ice cream, pizza or hamburger, by cycling, running or walking, and have it delivered to your door for free.

delicious road
What should you do? Deliveroo: ‘Make a screenshot of your delicious track in your sports app, and share it on Instagram with the hashtag #TourDeFood and the hashtag @deliveroo_nl. Then Deliveroo guarantees that you will receive a voucher with which you can order the relevant dish. Then the best food methods get the prepared dish as a well-deserved reward. As long as the supplies remain.’

Not in the mood for physical exertion, but still want good food? Then you can always order your favorite dish via Deliveroo, food deliveryman reassures.

About Deliveroo
Deliveroo is a meal platform founded in 2013 by William Shu and Greg Orlowski. Deliveroo works with more than 170,000 restaurant and grocery partners and 190,000 delivery drivers worldwide to provide the best meal experience. Deliveroo is headquartered in London and there are many offices around the world. Deliveroo operates in 11 countries, which are Australia, Belgium, France, Hong Kong, Italy, Ireland, the Netherlands, Singapore, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait and the United Kingdom.

(Source: Deliveroo)

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