Cristiano Ronaldo’s girlfriend opens up about losing her son in a reality series

Cristiano Ronaldo’s girlfriend opens up about losing her son in a reality series

At the age of seventeen, Georgina left for Bristol in the UK, where she began working as a nanny. In 2015, she decided to return to Spain, where she got a job at the Gucci store. It is here that she meets the love of her life, who plays for Real Madrid at that time. In November of 2017, their happy love affair with his daughter, Alana, concluded. At the end of 2021, the lovebirds will announce that they are expecting again, this time with twins. But then disaster strikes when only one of their daughters is born healthy.

“Ángel and Bella were born on Easter Monday,” the socialite looks back at the shocking event in the first episode of the second season of her Netflix series. “The moment I was waiting for her. My heart stopped. Bella was born healthy and fit, but my heart was broken. I wonder, how am I going to go on? You see that baby. She’s strong and healthy and she needs you.”

When their other children ask where Angel is, she breaks down. “I wasn’t ready to admit or accept what happened,” Georgina continues. “I couldn’t tell the kids yet. Because I still had a tummy, I said Angel was in my mother’s tummy. That’s just Bella was born and he didn’t want to be born yet.” In the end, it is Cristiano who tells them that Angel is in Heaven, and at that moment Georgina gets back on her feet.

The second season of Georgina soy It can now be seen on Netflix.

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