Corian Jansen of Nijven wins the world title in Obstacle Course Racing

Corian Jansen of Nijven wins the world title in Obstacle Course Racing

Corien Jansen of Nijeveen takes the title in the Women’s 35+ category at the Obstacle Course Racing (OCR) World Championships. She was 8 minutes ahead of Poland’s Agnieszka Rynkiewicz.

After the first part OCR, which was completed on Friday, she was still a close second. With a more than excellent performance in Part Two on Saturday, Corien left the entire competition behind and that means a well-deserved world title.


Nijeveense, a member of the FamilyFit OCR team from Staphorst, departed for Stratton Mountain in Vermont on Wednesday. On Friday, the short OCR distance of 3 km (with 20 obstacles) was in the program, with 74 women from all continents of the world at the start. But on Friday, conditions were not ideal for Corinne Jansen: “It was very cold at first. Only four degrees. It was also windy and drizzling. The race itself I ran clearly, but I had to let one lady go uphill and that’s how I finished second in the women’s. 35+”.

The second part – 15 kilometers, with 1,100 altimeters and 40 obstacles – was completed a day later. For Corien Jansen, this happened under excellent conditions, the temperature was 10 degrees and the sun was shining. However, the course did not exist in the famous American ski resort. Jansen: “Running up the ski hills and walking again is very difficult. Luckily it went very well. I had one lady close to me from the start and couldn’t catch her uphill. But on the way down I was able to take the lead a little more. In The start was the distance between us getting bigger and bigger. I was lucky because all the obstacles went smoothly. In the end I became the world champion by at least 8 minutes. Really very cool.”

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well prepared

Nijeveense’s impressive performance did not come entirely out of thin air. She had prepared well in the summer by training in the mountains. “I wasn’t used to walking in the mountains. That is why I walked the 50km in the Ultraks Matterhorn, which is very challenging at 3600 metres. I think this race helped me keep climbing those ski hills six times. It was very steep and slippery because All the rain that fell.”

Corien Jansen was the only participant on behalf of her FamilyFit team. However, there were more Dutch at the start and they also performed well. In total, with a field of 4000 starts, our country won one gold and four silver medals.

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