Concerns about Johnny Craigkamp Jr's future at GTST

Concerns about Johnny Craigkamp Jr's future at GTST

Since Laura was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease, Getty and Johnny have had an emotional story to play out in Merdek. Given their age, it is of course not unlikely that they will leave Soap Village in the not too distant future. GTSTFans fear this could be the case after the build-up in summer 2023, but soap veterans are still making appearances in Merdek. But until when will the question become increasingly clear?

Henk had some concerns since Laura's health had deteriorated. Viewers recently saw how he appeared to be in pain on his balcony. Henk goes wrong this week when he walks his dog, Dolly. He collapses and clutches his chest. Are the screenwriters anticipating Hink's departure and will this be the promised tearjerker in the upcoming summer cliffhanger?

Getty recently noted Telegraph To know that she is not yet thinking about resigning. “Everything passes eventually, I know that, but for me, it might take a while.” The actress recently traveled to Curacao with a few cast members for tapings. It's not yet clear if this is the setting for next summer.

What RTL recently announced is that it will be an emotional adventure. “An unexpected announcement will move the entire village to tears…”

This is what Johnny said earlier about his possible departure from the series, in which he has played the role of Henk since 2020:

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