Basketball player Britney Greiner jailed for 9 years for cannabis oil in Russia

Basketball player Britney Greiner jailed for 9 years for cannabis oil in Russia

His lawyer requested release, but the Russian General Prosecutor’s Service did not agree. They asked for a sentence of 9.5 years, but the judge limited it to 9 years. According to the court, Griner had deliberately taken the oil, which is banned in Russia.

In America, the basketball player would use it for medical reasons, and he accidentally took it to Russia.

Biden: ‘Free her immediately’

After the verdict was announced, US President Joe Biden immediately responded. “The imprisonment of US citizen Brittney Griner is a reminder of what the world already knows: Russia has Brittney wrong,” he said. “This is unacceptable and I am asking for Russia’s immediate release so she can be with her wife, loved ones, friends and teammates.”

Kreiner’s case has been in the news a lot in recent days, especially as he is said to be part of a potential prisoner swap between the United States and Russia. Jailer Griner and ex-Marine Paul Whelan could be transferred to U.S. custody for arms dealer Victor Bout if convicted.

‘Griner Soldier Used’

Because he should be punished, Kreiner’s supporters believe the basketball star is being used as a pawn in Russian President Putin’s conflict with the West.

President Joe Biden has already agreed to the change, even if his own Judiciary opposes such a solution. Americans often fear capture by hostile regimes.

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