American channel buys SBS6 channel Million Dollar Program

American channel buys SBS6 channel Million Dollar Program

According to Talpa, several channels showed interest in the format after a presentation in the United States. NBC selected due to “previous good experiences with the sound‘, another program created by John. It is expected that Million Dollar Island Broadcasting there next fall.

John is happy with the deal. †Million Dollar Island Not just a next-level survival program. It’s also a great social experience revolving around close friendships, incredible persistence, and secret intrigue. Viewers will be fascinated by the many storylines this format offers.”

at million dollar island, Which can be seen on SBS6 and Amazon Prime starting next Sunday, a hundred people are together on a desert island where they have to survive for two months. Participants will receive a bracelet worth €10,000 upon arrival. These tapes can win and lose candidates by playing duels and receiving them from people who have given up. The more bracelets a person collects, the more “value” that person has and the greater the chance of winning the most money prizes. The program is provided by Dennis van der Geest.

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