America is building a wall of fresh air

America is building a wall of fresh air

To respond to increasingly violent tropical storms, Americans are working on a new air tunnel.

Global warming may cause people to experience more extreme weather. Warmer air retains more moisture and raises the temperature of the oceans. These conditions are the perfect recipe for violent hurricanes. Unpleasant Anticipation At the end of this century the storms will be 13 percent stronger than they are today. That’s why Florida International University is creating a system that reflects the forces of the wind, now called the wind wall.

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Domino effect

The wind turbine will have several turbines that can simulate storms at speeds of up to 322 kilometers per hour. There will also be a large water bed to test storm surges and waves. These can grow up to 6 meters in height. Construction is expected to cost $ 12.8 million.

The purpose of the wall is to measure the resistance of houses and bridges. With this, engineers can see what buildings will withstand, where they will collapse, and what the consequences will be. They focus not only on the building, but also on the debris. They will damage the second building, causing new pieces to fly loose. This creates a domino effect.


Ten years ago, the university also built a wind wall. It has twelve turbines, each the size of a man. Together they simulate storms at speeds of up to 257 kilometers per hour. Also, there are artificial rain sprinklers.

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But thanks to climate change, this is no longer enough. So reached Hurricane Dorian 296 km / h in 2019 and Hurricane Patricia In 2015 it reached a speed of 346 kilometers per hour. So it is time to improve the air wall.

proof’s: ConversationPopular dynamics

Image: Pixabay / Wiki Images

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