Albert Verlind has to pay a fine for Humberto Tan’s backbite

Albert Verlind has to pay a fine for Humberto Tan’s backbite

Albert Verlind was fined earlier this year for suggesting that Humberto Tan exhibited aggressive behaviour. And the Public Prosecution imposed the fine in a closed session. The amount of money involved was not disclosed.

Tan filed a complaint in January 2022 after Verlind accused him on television of infringing behavior during his time. RTL late night Foot. According to Tan, his name was thus associated with the violations that took place in Holland sound.

From the prosecution’s point of view, Verlinde is guilty of defamation, because the statements made by the presenter in View newsRadio January 16, 2022 damage the reputation of Tan. The massive reach of the pronouncements, in part due to the fame of both Verlinde and Tan, only exacerbates the punishment.

Verlinde’s attorney announced that the fine would be paid. “Although Verlind and the Public Prosecution Service differed on the question of whether there was defamation, Verlind agreed to the settlement proposed by the Public Prosecution Service,” she said in a statement. “Verlinde regrets his comments, but also the way they were later exaggerated.”

Verlinde has apologized several times for the comments. This was no reason for Tan to withdraw his announcement. Ferlind said last month that he hoped to speak to Tan to clear the air.

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