A curfew for the sale of alcoholic beverages, a ban on distance selling, etc.

A curfew for the sale of alcoholic beverages, a ban on distance selling, etc.

If Martini van Ooijen (never heard of this guy until today, by the way) comes to your party, hit Punica. This poorly cooked spaghetti from ChristenUnie has even appeared on the Hottest Place in Hell sponsorship list, with it being a “ban on the sale of alcohol in sports canteens.” Apart from the fact that sport is no longer an anomaly – we really don’t play football for fun – it’s an ill-conceived and unfortunate plan to allow all those sports clubs to pull the plug, as they run in the canteen-documented from such an association. Finally, DeT. reveal now Some other plans on the list from the hell out of this hate: a ban on pouring after 4 a.m. (only one pill), a curfew for selling liquor (not after 10 p.m.), a ban on distance selling (thanks for 40 years of service Janet, here’s a bottle RAAK! Kinder Cola), bottle warning labels and health warnings. Van Ooijen (1990) is still dry behind the ears and is already taking everyone in a stranglehold. And then you think: the rest, of course, do not participate in this. Well, D66 traitors of course do: “D66 is open to banning wine and specialty beers from supermarket shelves.Whatever liberal drink Van Mierlo has ever made, this bottle is empty at D66.

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