Apple is also focusing on fitness with its Streaming Service |  sport

Apple is also focusing on fitness with its Streaming Service | sport

Compete with Fitbit and Platoon

Rumors have been circulating for some time that Apple will focus more on sports and exercise. For example, the Workout app on Apple Watch is one of the company’s most popular services.

With Apple Fitness +, Apple competes with Fitbit and Peloton, among others. Fitbit, which was acquired by Google last year, has been offering paid tips, training programs, and fitness videos for quite some time. It is mainly based on data obtained from Fitbit. Additionally, Fitbit Premium focuses on health, sports and wellness and also provides sleep advice and health reports.

Peloton has grown rapidly in the past few years and has seen sales increase of 172% in the second quarter of 2020 compared to last year. The American company sells bicycles and walkers for the home and streams several fitness classes with its own service. Peloton is one of the few companies to benefit from the Coronavirus and the lockdowns in place or in effect in many countries.

Apple Fitness + will be available first in Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States by the end of this year. The cost is $ 9.99 a month or $ 79.99 for a year. The first month is free for everyone. It is not yet known when the service will also be available in the Netherlands.

Headerfoto: Apple Newsroom

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