Scabies can also be transmitted without skin contact.  Health and science

Scabies can also be transmitted without skin contact. Health and science

Where does this news come from?

In Belgium, the number of people infected with scabies is… Doubled in 5 years. To map the problem, Minister Krivets has ordered a study from the Institute of Tropical Medicine, the results of which are expected in 2025. In the meantime, watch out for the symptoms of scabies: intense itching all over the body, except for the face, which occurs mainly at night and hinders sleep. This disease is contagious in itself not dangerousBut it causes itching Very stressful.

Anyone can get scabies. However, there is a persistent misunderstanding that infection is a result of poor hygiene. This means that people often seek help too late, and in the process infect others. Contamination is usually caused by:

  • physical contact;
  • Sexual intercourse
  • Sharing clothes.

According to Dr. Wouter Dese, this is possible People with reduced immunity Scabies mites exist in such large numbers that… He can become infected just by being in the same room. He made this statement in De Standaard newspaper on December 15, 2023 (1).


(1) Beckers, Carlin. Scabies is on the rise: “I didn’t even dare tell my doctor because I had a rash all over.” De Standard, 12/15/2023.

How should you interpret this news?

What is scabies?

Scabies mites, a spider-like parasite no larger than half a millimeter, dig tunnels into the top layer of skin and lay eggs there. Once the larvae hatch, they make their way to the surface of the skin. This comes with serious consequences Itch.

Scabies infection with decreased immunity

In the case of common scabies, the number of scabies mites is usually limited to about ten per person. In people with low immunity, mites spread Multiply more powerfullyWhich can increase their numbers to thousands and even tens of thousands. This type of scabies is called Norwegian mange It is mentioned because the first outbreak was described in Norway.

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The more mites there are in one person, the greater the chance that they will end up in someone nearby. In the case of Norwegian mange there is even No need for skin contactThis is due to the presence of huge numbers of scabies mites. That’s why this shape Very contagious. Individuals suffering from Norwegian mange Less itchingbut show Scaly skin lesions (2).

Norwegian mange Less common From common scabies. It is not known how often, as there is no requirement to report scabies.


The number of scabies cases has doubled in 5 years. In most cases, about a dozen mange mites are found in an infected person, limiting infection and requiring close physical contact for transmission of the parasite. However, immunocompromised individuals, including people with cancer and HIV, can develop a highly contagious form. One person can harbor thousands and even tens of thousands of scabies mites. This form, known as Norwegian mange, is so contagious that proximity is enough to transmit the infection as well.


(2) Guidelines for the control of infectious diseases Flanders – scabies – scabies in humans (2020).

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