‘The Cabinet wants a basic scholarship of 255 euros for each student living away from home’

‘The Cabinet wants a basic scholarship of 255 euros for each student living away from home’

Students who live at home, if it is up to the Council of Ministers, receive a basic scholarship of €91 per month. For students who live away from home, the amount is 255 euros. This is what he writes ad Thursday Based on The Hague sources. A spokesman for the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science wants that Norwegian Refugee Council He did not respond objectively to the reports and states that the Cabinet will send a letter on the plans on Friday.

The amounts listed for the base grant are lower than when it was abolished in 2015. Below Old system Students living away from home received a scholarship of 286 euros per month, and those living at home received 102 euros per month. A large majority in the House of Representatives voted in September to abolish the lending-only system VVD voted against† The cancellation of the Student Loan Scheme is an agreement provided for in the Coalition Agreement. The Cabinet would like all students to receive a basic scholarship again starting from the academic year 2023/2024.

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The supplementary scholarship, intended for students with parents or guardians on low incomes, amounts to a maximum of €491 per month. according to ad The Council of Ministers wants to compensate students from the so-called generation of the loan system in the amount of 359 euros per academic year, with a maximum compensation of 1,436 euros per student. Those students or graduates who did not receive a basic scholarship during their studies.

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average student debt

The amounts targeted by the government have not yet been determined. Cabinet proposals to reintroduce the basic grant will be discussed in the Cabinet on Friday and the parliament is expected to discuss the plans next month. According to the newspaper, the parliament will also be presented with calculated alternatives, for example the compensation scheme.

Students who borrow within the loan scheme do so for an average of 700 euros per month. The average student loan debt was According to the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) estimated that more than 15,000 euros in 2020, predicting that this will rise to 25,000 euros in the coming years. Statistics Netherlands reports that the average student debt is growing every year and has doubled since the loan system was introduced in 2015.

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