Woman gives man an ultimatum at HMMIK: ‘Go find help’

Woman gives man an ultimatum at HMMIK: ‘Go find help’

In the new episode of “Help, My Man is Handyman!” We see that Anki and Rod have been living in a house since 2007 that looks a lot like a ruin. Since Rod was affected by several cerebral infarctions, he didn’t get much out of his hands, but Anki really wanted to finish the house for once. John Williams and his skilled team come to help, but it soon becomes clear that not only the house needs work, but also the relationship between Anneke and Ruud.

“I respect her for sticking with me.”

When Ruud and Anneke bought a DIY home with an annexe in the southern Dutch town of Heinenoord in 2007, Ruud had big plans for the renovation. But when he has multiple cerebral infarctions, all business stops. Rod can no longer work and comes to sit at home. According to Anneke, he is hiding behind his problems: she wants him to take matters into his own hands and finally finish the renovation. Or ask for help if needed.

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When John comes to visit Rod, it soon becomes apparent that Rod is quite open to it. He is very emotional and grabs help with both hands. However, he makes it clear to his wife that he simply can no longer finish everything because of his cerebral infarction: “There are things I can’t do on my own, my dear. And you know that. And there are things I don’t do anymore. Dare.” Anneke admits it, but in At the same time, he feels that Rod is hiding behind his problems.

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When John takes her aside, it turns out that the relationship between her and Rod is no longer what it used to be. “It’s become more and more amicable. You’re dealing with someone who’s become very different in personality. Since 2012. I especially hope we can change things up and be able to have fun together again.”

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Rod, in turn, indicates that he would like to see Annick a little more. According to him, in addition to her work, she is only busy with her hobby and she has very little time left. “I’m so high she doesn’t want to see me often.” At the same time, he is glad that she stayed with him at all after his cerebral infarction. “I respect her for sticking with me.”

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John wants him to express this to Aniki as well. “I’ve changed, and I know that,” he says. “I already said it, but you can’t hide behind it,” says Anneke. “I want you to realize that if you want to continue with me, you must first ask for help.” The fact that he reacts to this with a smile doesn’t sit well with it. “I don’t like you laughing at it because it’s dangerous!”

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