G-no about Hard Battles vs.  POB, USA vs.  Practice texts in the Netherlands and at home

G-no about Hard Battles vs. POB, USA vs. Practice texts in the Netherlands and at home

Hiphop’s J presents Small Cope of Mant. This podcast zooms in on twenty years of rich history of battle rap in the Netherlands. Marco Martens, who also worked as a battle rapper in his early days as an artist, talks to key figures; mc’s, organizers and judges. About the developments over time in this segment of the game, for example how it evolved from raps invented on the spot to improvised and written lyrics. In episode 5 you can hear G-no, who started his own league parallel to the creation of Punchoutbattles: Hard Battles.

Marco talks to G-No about practicing lyrics at home versus the moment you step into the ring. Everything changes once the cameras are rolling and the spotlights are focused on you. He was an MC himself, but decided to start tough battles when Punchoutbattles took a short hiatus. Written in the Netherlands, Borrap is about the birth of HipHophuis’ involvement and how the two leagues operate in Rotterdam. You’ll also hear about his current role as a trainer within Punchoutbattles.


Placed by Bowie on March 16, 2023

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