Vincent Garremans, Brian De Hond & Geo Lippens

Vincent Garremans, Brian De Hond & Geo Lippens

About the chapter

Vincent Garremans, VVD Alderman in Rotterdam, is co-hosting Wilfred Genie on The Friday Move this afternoon, broadcast live from the Mercure Hotel Amsterdam City!

Brian de Hont founded the Life Portrait Foundation, which allows sick people to create video portraits for free. This way of saying goodbye is very valuable to both the departed and the person.

Maral Noshad Sharifi was four years old when she fled Iran to the unknown Netherlands with her parents and little brother. She wrote a book there. Also, he is now the US Correspondent for De Volkskrant.

Gio Lippens is a cycling commentator and writer for Radio Tour de France. Not obvious about the sports book writer, but he writes novels. His new novel ‘No More Thinking’ is about a troubled father-daughter relationship.

With 2 weeks to go before the provincial election, we will be working with Mirjam Sterk (CDA Utrecht), political reporter Leendert Beekman and Vincent Garremans.

There is an increasing debate about maximum living standards. We discuss this seemingly controversial project with journalist Hans von Willigenburg.

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