EU ‘backcard’ with tech giants TomTom, Delft startup in Seattle and data deal with US

EU ‘backcard’ with tech giants TomTom, Delft startup in Seattle and data deal with US

About the chapter

TomTom has teamed up with Meta, Amazon and Microsoft to compete with Google. With the new public map ‘Overture’, the dominance of Google Maps is to be broken. Will it work? How does TomTom intend to continue making money?

We request that William StrijboschVice President of Product for Maps at TomTom.


Building a healthy relationship with your smartphone is getting a lot of attention. There’s been an app for this for quite some time: Unpluq. The project of the two Delft students is very popular in the US, as Unpluq is included in the startup accelerator TechStars Seattle.

You hear how things are going in America right now John RichterCTO and co-founder of Unpluk.

EU-US Data Agreement

A breakthrough in data relations between the EU and the US! The ‘EU-US Data Privacy Framework’ should prevent companies like Meta and Microsoft from exploiting our data. , to prevent companies like Microsoft and Meta from simply working with our data. But: really?

We discuss it Menno VejTechnical Lawyer at BDO Law.

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