Studio Embark from ex-Battlefieldmakers shows first-hand gameplay for the finals – Games – News

Embark Studios showcases gameplay from the upcoming shooter The Finals for the first time. In the game, players have to compete against each other in the arena and the trailer shows that many items in the arena can be broken.

Embark Studios was founded by former Dice employees who worked on the Battlefield series. studio Now working on his own shooter It was announced at Gamescom 2022 that it will be a free-to-play shooting game. In the game, players compete against each other in an arena that is presented as a game show.

The trailer from Embark Studios shows how opponents break in coins when shot at and how large portions of levels can be broken. With destructible environments, Embark wants to make sure that players not only have to be good at aiming and shooting, but also thinking about how to use the environment against their opponent.

The game is currently announced for PC, and the trailer also announces an alpha test that people can sign up for through Steam. Embark Studios will allow a select number of players for alpha testing. It is not yet known when the game will be officially released.

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