Yvonne Jaspers’ farmers’ problems ‘obsolete due to current events’

Yvonne Jaspers’ farmers’ problems ‘obsolete due to current events’

“In June of this year, the farming world was turned upside down. With recordings and broadcasts so far apart, it’s hard for us to catch up on current events,” Yvonne says. “A conversation I had in April may become stale by September.” However, recent farmers’ problems are mentioned in the program. KRO-NCRV does not want to specify exactly how and if the program has been modified due to farmers’ protests that have caused so much inconvenience in recent months.

“The current nitrogen problem is not just a farmers’ problem,” Yvonne previously stated in a short statement. “All parties involved actively and collectively should look differently at the way the Netherlands approaches food and food production.” The KRO-NCRV presenter has often been suggested on social media as a mediator in the dispute. Many farmers seem to reject Johan Remix, who was appointed by the government as a mediator.

Celebrity KRO-NCRV has been hosting the popular show for seventeen years A farmer looking for a wife And this year she dares to say “Finally make her big dream come true”. Many cultivators from past seasons helped her. The bus I drove across Europe with Bertie Our farm in Europe It is placed on a plot and serves as a base.

The presenter of the program has been criticized several times in recent years because of her ties to the agricultural sector. For several years she has been active at ForFarmers, the largest livestock feed company in Europe. Animal organizations also filed a complaint in 2019 against our farmanother program from Yvon about farmers, because they felt that the presenter had spread false news about chicken farmers.

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