Hypertherm delivers environmental impact targets – supply and demand

Hypertherm delivers environmental impact targets – supply and demand

Hypertherm, the US manufacturer of industrial cutting equipment and software, has announced its 2030 environmental impact goals. There are four goals it aims to achieve this decade.

Goals aim to reduce resource consumption Hyperthermia and carbon dioxide from its global operations.

goal 1

Carbon dioxide neutralization. The first target is the direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions from Hypertherm (Class 1 and 2). According to data from the Science Based Targets Initiative, an organization that sets goals aligned with climate science, it is estimated that Hypertherm will increase carbon dioxide emissions by 48 percent to combat global warming. Hypertherm has embraced the larger goal of mandatory CO2 neutralization.

goal 2

Reduce the impact of using Hypertherm products by 50 percent. Hypertherm will increase the energy efficiency of its products and aim to reduce energy consumption and the amount of material remaining after cutting by 50 percent.

goal 3

Reduce waste from all waste streams by 50 percent. Hypertherm will reduce waste from all waste streams, including recycling and waste water, by 50 percent. In addition, the company will build on an earlier goal that its New Hampshire operations, as well as all Hypertherm sites around the world, will not dispose of waste in landfills.

Objective 4

Hypertherm’s ultimate goal is to achieve a circular economy rating of B. A circular economy requires products to be reused, repaired, refurbished, and recycled rather than consuming more finite resources. The introduction of the circular economy is essential to combat climate change, biodiversity loss, pollution and waste. In an analysis by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, a UK-based organization specializing in the circular economy, Hypertherm is currently rated “C”.

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The four goals, now announced, replace Hypertherm’s 2020 environmental sustainability goals that were developed in 2010.

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