Yvonne Coldweger starts a channel for a selected company: “Leipe Juice” |  RTL News

Yvonne Coldweger starts a channel for a selected company: “Leipe Juice” | RTL News

Coldweger announced her new cycle on her Instagram channel, Life of Yvonne. In a video, 37-year-old Coldweger talks about a “private juice members club.” According to her, the club should remain small: “Because the smaller the club, the more juice I can share. The juice will be better than ever. The scoops are ready for you. But from now on I will only continue with the exclusive small juice club people.”

The gossip vlogger advises her followers to be “really quick.” “Before I decide to no longer grant you access.”

The current account changes to a private account. “I've noticed that a lot of people enjoy seeing what I do in my life,” she says. “If you like it, make sure you follow me.”

Coldwire announced a week ago that she would break the news today. Coldweger's followers seem to regard this as a turning point. Thirty minutes after her video went live, she had lost 7,000 of her hundreds of thousands of followers.

Coldwire has been in the news several times with her “juice.” For example, she helped uncover the Jumbo Incident involving Glennis Grace and shared a video in which Lil Klein allegedly abused his partner Jimmy Weiss. Coldweger also often shared messages about the Hazes. On her Instagram profile she calls herself a “Doctor of Hazardous Materials Science.”

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