Without leading companies, the energy transition ends in illusions

Without leading companies, the energy transition ends in illusions

Only to gain independence from oil-producing countries like Russia, Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states, an energy shift is needed. This transition is too important to be left to activists and environmental groups Afshin Elian. They go after big companies like Shell, but they can’t do anything themselves.

The Rutte IV platform is ready, but what is the task of the new government? The outgoing Rutte III locker will become the longest-serving Rutte IV “missionary” locker in a few weeks. Completely in accordance with Dutch political tradition and culture, new elections were avoided. Incidentally, new elections will not counter the political divide: they will only transfer a few seats.

Afshin Elian

Professor Mr. Dr. Afshin Elian (Tehran, 1966) is Professor of Encyclopedia of Legal Sciences and Scientific Director of the Metajuridica Institute at Leiden University School of Law. He writes weekly about the ideals and freedoms of Western culture.

The coalition agreement will soon turn into a coalition agreement. Economists rightly ask whether negotiators have not allowed themselves to be led by an overly rosy picture of current economic growth. Meanwhile, the US central bank is in the process of raising interest rates and ending emergency and financial aid packages.

Instability due to monetary developments and conflict between Russia and Ukraine

Monetary developments in the US will not be without consequences for ECB policy. But the European Central Bank cannot raise interest rates in the short term, nor can it cancel emergency aid. This would already lead to a serious economic crisis. As a result, the southern eurozone member states will face a serious problem. Thus, the possibility of fully realizing the Fourth Ruti Alliance Agreement depends on the factors beyond the control of the negotiated political parties. There are also geopolitical developments that could undermine this alliance agreement.

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