Winston Gerstanowitz After a Storm of Criticism: The Hints Are Misplaced and Hurt |  show

Winston Gerstanowitz After a Storm of Criticism: The Hints Are Misplaced and Hurt | show

“For me personally, I indicated from the beginning that I would not gain anything from this,” Gershtanovitz wrote. “I believe in this sustainable way of doing business and that we can really do more with it. The suggestion that is being made now that this is done for purely financial gain is therefore completely misplaced and hurtful.”

Gerschtanowitz and five others have invested in the EarthToday platform. Through the organisation, which was launched last April, people can adopt a square meter of nature for a small amount. The vast majority of the proceeds go to nature foundations, but according to Quote, there is also a “very profitable business model” behind EarthToday. Investors can earn millions if they are successful.

According to Gerschtanowitz, EarthToday has been transparent from day one, and the storm of social media criticism “completely surprised him”. “The suggestion that some people have made that I’m doing this to make money behind charity is incorrect.”

What I’ve learned from the past 24 hours and from the article in the quote is that while everything is clearly explained on and in the FAQ, we need to proactively highlight the entrepreneurial side more clearly. My request is not to blindly accept what is written.”

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