Which Guillermo del Toro movies were the first to watch?

Which Guillermo del Toro movies were the first to watch?

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Director Guillermo del Toro He made some suggestions as to which of his films you should watch first. Here’s what he’s doing to newcomers amid the release of his latest movie nightmare alley.

The director is known for his fantasy and horror films. The director started with low-budget Spanish films like Kronos in a Satan’s backbone, but later returned to Hollywood with others Blade II.

Guillermo del Toro

However, it was his movie Pan . maze From 2006, which began to earn his place as a famous director. For this film, he won the Best Director award at the Academy Awards.

His latest movies nightmare alley It came out in early December in the USA. Unfortunately, it looks like his last movie is going to be a failure due to the mediocre marketing campaign and the big movies to be released at the moment.

movie tip

In an interview with Collider gives Del Toro Tips for Newcomers to His Business, Which Movies Should You Watch First? In his interview, the director stated: “I would say the Water Shape or Ban’s Labyrinth would be a good basis for what I’m doing.”

but now … Director said.


mix Satan’s backbone in a Pan . maze Interesting, because both films reflect the director’s sensibilities as an author. The biggest difference between the two is the budget, because where Pan . maze Funded by Warner Bros. , was Satan’s backbone Low cost movie.

The other duo mentioned by the director (water shape in a nightmare alley) are more vivid examples of his current traits. These are his last two films, and he won them water shape Multiple major awards at the 2018 Oscars Including the best picture.

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