Warning on tweet leader Baudet Forum • Catering Industry: Light at the end of the tunnel

Warning on tweet leader Baudet Forum • Catering Industry: Light at the end of the tunnel

Koninklijke Horeca Nederland says that “slowly but surely a slight light is coming at the end of the tunnel”, now that the government has announced that the stands may be open. However, the Restaurant Industry Association urged the cabinet to look beyond simply opening the terraces. “This is an improvement for only a small fraction of the hospitality entrepreneurs.”

Robert Willemson, President of KHN: “With spring approaching, it is imperative that the stands open again on March 31st. It is a first step. However, we believe it can and should be done early on. The government lacks confidence, while there are very solid plans. In addition to relaxing in the stands, we truly believe that a larger part of the catering industry should be opened in a safe and responsible manner, such as opening food and beverage outlets in hotels for hotel guests and opening restaurants and cafes on conditions. ”

According to the Restaurant Industry Club, it is imperative that entrepreneurs are compensated “consistently and completely” at present. A year after Corona, you can’t let businessmen blow up with partial compensation, says Willemson. “KHN has been committed to improving its support packages for months. In last week’s talks, we emphasized this and underscored the importance of targeted and full financial compensation.”

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