Viewer Who is the Mole?  Downright insult: There was no way to understand it  Displays

Viewer Who is the Mole? Downright insult: There was no way to understand it Displays

The second episode of Who is the mole? Causing confusion among candidates and viewers, it is the work of Mole(?) by Jatmoos Justin and Irritation by Jeroen Spitzenberger. Three amazing moments in a row.

The location of the first mission was clear: the stadium in Mexico City. but after that. Plate runners. Olympic flame. Relay runners with envelopes. Amounts that you can collect or multiply. Microphone didn't work and then worked again. Cards that lie or stand. Pass positions. F3, F8, F12. H3 or was it A3? And then the candidates cheer, because… yeah, why were they cheering anyway? No money made, right? Great confusion among the candidates and even more among the viewers. Nico Dikshorn, former poet-in-residence at The world goes ontweeted last week that he didn't understand anything at all Who is the mole? “Thousands of people think they can point out a mole while watching an edited programme. The whole idea is: it's never shown who's a mole. Otherwise there's no programme. Mole viewers keep experiencing it as a live show. Very strange.” His words were fulfilled in this mission. While the quests were reasonably easy to follow last year, tonight the viewer was insulted: there was no way to make sense of it.

2. Lying down and irritating Gerwin

Six candidates worked hard on a steep mountain wall, while they had to listen to the audio broadcast (the viewer couldn't listen in anywhere, so how could they unmask the mole?) and then answer questions about it later. Amputation…. The podcast was regularly interrupted by the famous outburst of a singer with no name (“Mexiiiiicoooo!”). Why was he boycotted? This happened when the candidates from the remaining group stood elsewhere at the hotel pool during a quiet hour. After all, they were instructed to remain in their seats. Oddly enough, these four – Tosky, Kiss, Jeroen and Ryan – did not know what would happen if they stood, walked, or did other things. What's striking: Jeroen Spitzberger lay relaxed. glasses on. He was very angry after that. So it's not a mole.

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Jeroen expresses his frustration at the pool
Jeroen expresses his frustration at the pool © Afrotros

A note on their room door reads Spitz + Bacon Silence. In other words: here Jeroen Spitzberger and Kees van der Speek remained calm. And how? Loved them, these two. They sit cross-legged meditatively on the bed, next to each other, shoes on the chair in front of them, their eyes closed and their hands folded. What were they thinking? Their game of dominoes in the pool? Mexican food? Chili con carne? Chicken taco? A supporting role for Keyes in Jeroen's latest film? Or Jeroen as extra help on sack duties? Or just think who could be the mole? Well, Justin Moyger for example. A room away, this cashier himself took 250 euros from the pot to cause confusion. Then you have the courage. Especially if you are a mole.

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