‘Ukrainian officer coordinates attack on Nord Stream pipelines’ • 5 million internal refugees in Ukraine

‘Ukrainian officer coordinates attack on Nord Stream pipelines’ • 5 million internal refugees in Ukraine

Roman Chervinsky, a Ukrainian army special forces colonel, is believed to have coordinated last year’s attack on the Nord Stream pipelines. That writing Washington Post in woman Based on conversations with anonymous stakeholders. Chervinsky is said to have arranged logistics and support for the six-man team that carried out the attack.

Washington Post Other media outlets have long claimed, based on anonymous sources, that the attack was the work of a group of Ukrainians. It is said that Chervinsky did not plan the attack, but followed the orders of officers who reported to the Chief of Staff of the Ukrainian Army, General Valery Zalozhny.

Chervinsky himself denies these reports. “All speculation about my involvement in the attack on Nord Stream is spread by Russian propaganda without any evidence,” he said through a lawyer. The Ukrainian government did not respond to questions, but previously denied its involvement in this action. According to sources Washington Post in woman General Zalozny approved the operation, but never informed President Volodymyr Zelensky.

Chervinsky, 48, worked for the Ukrainian military intelligence service and the SBOe security service. In the past, he participated in secret operations several times. He is currently in prison in Kiev on suspicion of abuse of authority in one of those operations. Chervinsky claims that the indictment comes in retaliation for his sharp criticism of those close to President Zelensky, who he believes passed information to the Russians.

Martin Albers

Read also: In the crime surrounding the attack on the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline, more and more fingers are pointing towards Ukraine

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