Ubisoft moves Prince of Persia development from India to Canada – Games – News

I also see a cultural drive toward mediocrity. The above-ground prominence is not appreciated, not even by local human resources. You can’t promote people who perform exceptionally well because you quickly get skewed eyes from people who work there longer or who are in a higher ‘tier’. Unfortunately, these kinds of things are still pretty deep out there.

HR in general is very sensitive to this kind of thing and they flatly refuse to let people upgrade before their “time” comes. People go crazy when they fall under someone of the lower class. Despite the fact that this person is very good and also very kind. We’ve had this on hand and you can’t get past it.

The result: people with a lot of talent and ambition leave because they are underappreciated. And rightly so in their view, but bad for your business. Still average. You can sometimes keep really good people by bringing them to Europe or the United States, where there is an ambitious mindset. But this is very difficult and not everyone wants it.

Note: It sounds a bit harsh but it’s frustrating. A bit like Dutch office culture in the 80s where men would surprise a female boss or a younger woman. The world doesn’t work that way anymore.

[Reactie gewijzigd door GekkePrutser op 3 mei 2022 21:17]

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