Twitch live-streaming site won’t rule out “sexy” women flocking from the shower

Twitch live-streaming site won’t rule out “sexy” women flocking from the shower

Twitch is a popular streaming site with gamers, but it also broadcasts other things. Recently, so-called “hot tub streams” have gained great popularity, with women splashing while taking a shower.

These streams are common, but advertisers don’t have them. They did not want their brand to be associated with “sexy” women. That’s why Twitch has stopped serving ads on these channels altogether.

Naked is not allowed

And that, in turn, caused a stir among other Twitch users, because women never do something that’s not allowed. Nudity, sexual acts and pornography are prohibited on the site. The rules allow for flowing into a swimsuit from the shower, pool, or beach.

Twitch Responds to the hype in a blog post. The company says it will not block the flows. “The fact that you are sexy does not go against the rules. We do not take action against people because of their attraction.”

In a bikini in the bathroom

User ‘Amouranth‘, Who plays games from an inflatable bikini-clad pool, is one of the most popular music streamers. Twitch lets her continue streaming as usual.

The site created a new category “Swimming pools, Jacuzzis and Beaches”. This makes it easier for users and advertisers to avoid pictures of “sexy” women if they like.

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