TU / e to purchase an electron microscope from a donation DAF / Paccar • TTM.nl

TU / e to purchase an electron microscope from a donation DAF / Paccar • TTM.nl

DAF Trucks and the Paccar Foundation donated to the Eindhoven University of Technology to purchase a soft matter electron microscope. TU/e is pleased with the generous donation from DAF Trucks and the Paccar Foundation. The amount of the donation was not disclosed.

Robert Jan Smits, TU/e ​​Executive Board Chair: “The university would like to thank DAF Trucks and the Paccar Foundation for their generous donation. This will lead to significant advances in science, research and development for TU/e ​​in the field of life sciences and materials science. Procurement of advanced soft matter electron microscopy and associated laboratory equipment is of great importance as universities and medical centers increasingly focus on research to develop solutions to global health and materials issues. DAF Hub founder van Doorne was one of the first leaders to realize the benefits of establishing TU/e. The university was founded in 1956 and is now celebrating 65 years of excellence.”

“Duff has a strong partnership with TU/e ​​and this donation is an important step in improving the quality of life for people around the world,” said Harry Walters, President of Duff Trucks and Vice President of Back Car. DAF and TU/e ​​have collaborated on many scientific articles and technical research projects over decades. There are over 350 longitudinal/electronic engineers working on Duff Trucks.”

TU/e will use the donation from the Paccar Foundation to purchase an advanced soft matter electron microscope. This microscope can visualize and analyze on the smallest of scales with unprecedented accuracy. Moreover, with the latest software and data processing, the machine is fast, which means that research can be done more quickly and the technology becomes more accessible to Eindhoven researchers. This greatly increases the possibilities of making scientific discoveries. The new microscope will also become important for training a new generation of engineers.

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DAF President Harry Wolters gives a framed photo of Robert Jean Smits, Chairman of the Executive Board of TU/e, on the occasion of the 65th anniversary of TU/e. The framed image, made with an electron microscope, symbolizes a DAF donation to TU/e.

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