The women drive to the bank with a dead husband to steal money

The women drive to the bank with a dead husband to steal money

Driving the body of a deceased person to the bank to withdraw money from his account. It sounds like a scene from a movie, but it actually happened in Ohio recently. Two women, aged between 63 and 55 years, were arrested.

Last Monday, the two women transported the body of a deceased 80-year-old man to the bank and withdrew an unknown amount of money in his name. They put the body in the car in such a way that the bank employees could see the man there. After receiving the money, the women took the man to the hospital, where they left him in the emergency room. A few hours later, they called to provide his name and other information.

“It's sad how desperate these two people were,” said Cecilia Cooper, an attorney for Ashtabula, where the incident occurred. She says she has never witnessed anything like this before. “I couldn't believe it. How could anyone do this?”

The hospital called the police

The case came to light because the hospital called the police after the women left the dead man there. It didn't take long for it to become clear that it was 80-year-old Douglas Lyman. It soon turns out that both women live in his house. One of them is said to have been in a relationship with Lyman for about seven years.

According to police, the two women found Lyman dead in his home and then called an acquaintance to place his body in the passenger seat of the car. The two women then went to the bank to withdraw the money.

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Often women withdraw money from the bank

Police say they would often withdraw money from his account and that the bank always agreed to it as long as the man was with them. “Maybe they wanted to pay some bills,” police told the local channel. Wish-TV. “But they didn't offer a real explanation.”

The two women are currently in custody and are suspected of abusing a corpse and robbing a vulnerable person. Police are still investigating whether the man died of natural causes.

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