The white savior complex and journey: how imperialism arises in it

The white savior complex and journey: how imperialism arises in it

Portrait of a beautiful young woman in flowers

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We all travel for pleasure. We want to learn new food types, peoples and cultures, and see all the beauties in the world. You and those on the other side of the world can enjoy what we enjoy as forms of superiority.

White Redeemer Complex Generally, it refers to a white person who helps others Global South In a self-serving way. The term is deeply rooted in the above areas with a colonial past, where white people, among others, are said to love Africa. ‘Citizen ‘.

Volunteer and White Rescuer Campus

Every year thousands (white) people from all over the world board the plane Global South. It was full of courage and hope to help the ‘poor’, ‘miserable’ and ‘less fortunate’ people there or to help them in their daily lives. They often do this Volunteer work. From building wells to giving dance lessons to children to handing out food parcels. White people go to these countries to provide unsolicited assistance. Or spend days with children with various trauma from orphanages, where they are connected and then left Fear of being abandoned. Countries are dependent on aid Outsiders.

Poverty in white countries

People who go there to help often do so with good intentions. However, it is more complicated than that. Poverty is everywhere. In white countries and cultures. Why do you want to cross the sea to help the people there? Why this particular group, those in that particular country? If there are people in the corner, who can use your help at different levels?

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If these questions are difficult to answer correctly, you should consider whether your travels to Africa, Southeast Asia or South America are as harmless as you think.

Volunteering and Culture

Traveling to other countries requires learning about cultures and customs. In the Western world it is widely expected that outsiders will master languages, master cultures or contribute quickly to the economy. Somehow these rules do not apply White Redeemers. Trips often take place without deepening language, culture or religion. As a result, ‘assisted’ residents have to agree with self-appointed ones Redeemer. It should be the other way around, especially if you have the means to master these languages.

I woke up on social media

Mostly these trips are included ‘I woke up ‘ Social media posts. People post with great interest about how the ‘suffering’ they have seen has changed their entire lives. Because building wells on the other side of the world is more exciting than helping the less fortunate on your street. If your purpose is pure and it really helps people, a social media post is not a bar. Africa is seen as a ‘free’ place where the rules do not apply, as planned on social media: anyone from Europe or the United States can go to Africa and a Divinity Redeemer Meet his / her / his / her own emotional needs.

Alternative to volunteering

Are you planning to volunteer abroad or plan to travel to other parts of the world? Read inside. For example, follow or see Instagram accounts that deal with issues like this (declonizingtravel Ann nowhitesaviors Good tips).

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A little more? Although the purpose is right, most people focus themselves on these journeys. Listen to what people have to say. Even if you think you have a different or ‘better’ idea of ​​how something should be done. Learn to support the new leadership by focusing on the people in question, as is now needed in many countries The Global South. Learn to maintain good relationships with people of color and people around the world. Avoid tokenisme Ann Redeemer complexes.

But still Mostly: #GetEducated!

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