The Vikings discovered America … 400 years before Christopher Columbus, it was a solar storm, allowing it to stabilize

The Vikings discovered America … 400 years before Christopher Columbus, it was a solar storm, allowing it to stabilize

Suspicion is allowed from archaeological finds from a few decades ago. Now this is a fact: the Vikings were confirmed in North America … 400 years before the arrival of Christopher Columbus.

We Jallan alle Lerboken Moden Herzion N Al Eleven Guarantees Hend Ondeken von America Moden Bijvergen. Until now, the school has taught history to students around the world, funded by Queen Isabella of Spain and discovered in 1492 when the United States explored the Atlantic Ocean.

The identity of the first Europeans to set foot on American soil has been in question since archaeological excavations more than 50 years ago. In the northeast of Canada, traces of the Vikings were also found, mainly thanks to wood products.

But this time there is no doubt. A study published in the journal Nature of nature From the University of Groningen (Netherlands) on a world tour on Wednesday 20 October. He pointed out that researchers had found a way to confirm the existence of the Vikings in Newfoundland 400 years before the arrival of Christopher Columbus (south).

Decisive solar storm

The sun illuminated the researchers. This is because of the solar storm before 993 AD. Emitted a large pulse of radiation, which was absorbed by the trees and stored throughout the earth. This solar event was important in determining what year the Vikings were in the United States.

Until now, timber recovered 50 years ago had been dated, but using radiocarbon technology, the margin of error is about a century. But at the time researchers found and preserved hundreds of additional pieces of wood found on and around the site, many of which were stored in the refrigerator in a Canadian warehouse to keep from rotting.

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Role representing the “gold mine” of Margot Coetmes, archaeologist at the University of Cronington, co-author of the study.

What changed everything was that during the 993 solar event three specimens of the tree came from living trees. The cosmic storm was so powerful that it established itself in wood layers all over the world. , Which creates a kind of time stamp.

This phenomenon has only occurred twice in the last 2000 years, when it was easy to spot logging … and especially the year the Vikings fell the tree, which belongs to the 21st century. Christopher Columbus did not land in San Salvador until 1492 …

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