The Top 2000 kicks off with the opening show at Sound and Vision in Hilversum |  Musical

The Top 2000 kicks off with the opening show at Sound and Vision in Hilversum | Musical

The most recent edition of Top 2000 opened nights from Saturday to Sunday. NPO Radio 2 DJ Bart Arens did just that with a musical mix, just like in previous years. After the opening show, the first record was played: Driving License From Olivia Rodrigo, who just arrived.

During the opening show, Arens performed a medley of songs such as in the air tonight By Phil Collins If you are not there from Dyke. He did this on a floating platform in the pond next to Sound and Vision. Flamethrowers, light effects and fountains have been placed in the pool, which shoots water up to 25 meters deep into the light. Fireworks were launched from the Sound and Vision deck.

bohemian rhapsody By Queen is No. 1 for the nineteenth time, and thus will finally be heard, just a few minutes before the end of the year. Roller coaster From Danny Vera in second place and California hotel of eagles on three.

Listeners can vote for their favorite songs until December 7th. Goldband from The Hague is the highest-grossing newcomer on the list this year. The band, which hit its finale last year and hit all the major festivals, debuted at No. 55 with its hit singles. emergency. Leave the door open SilkSonic is the fastest climber with 1443 places.

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