The man flashes 26 times at the same speed as the camera |  the cars

The man flashes 26 times at the same speed as the camera | the cars

Philip Dodd, 63, of Manchester, earned 78 penalty points on his driver’s license after being caught 26 times by the same speed camera for speeding in just three months.

The Briton was fined after driving between 90 and 100 kilometers per hour on the M62 near Warrington between April and July of this year. The British newspaper wrote that the maximum speed there is 80 kilometers per hour daily Mail.

Dodd claimed he never got a ticket because the Citroen Berlingo he’s driving was not initially registered in his name. It wasn’t until he moved in with his partner and registered the truck in his name that 26 fines fell through his mailbox.

Dodd admitted to the judge that he had speeded 26 times, but insisted he was not a dangerous driver. He committed offenses, especially in the early morning. Despite this, the judge imposed a six-month driving ban and a total fine of £520, or £20 for each violation.

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