The Israeli army is looking for reinforcements and asks reserve soldiers to attend

The Israeli army is looking for reinforcements and asks reserve soldiers to attend

The Israeli army is searching for reinforcements. That’s why tens of thousands of reservists received a message to report to the army. It is difficult for reservists who want to help to reach Israel, because many flights have been cancelled. However, the responsibility to fight for the homeland remains clear, including for Israeli Tamar Ephrata, who studies in the Netherlands.

Ephrata, who previously served in the Israeli army, also received a letter in which she was called up as a reservist, she says in Goedemorgen Nederland on NPO 1. In addition to herself, she knows about fifteen people who were also called up. She herself has relatives living in the affected area.

“Everyone who can get somewhere as quickly as possible is already there,” says Ephrata. “Several citizen initiatives have also been launched to ensure that people can be transported to the different bases by volunteers.” In addition, there are special reserve flights departing to Israel from different places in the world.

There is a feeling of fear in Israel

According to CIDI Director Naomi Mestrom, there is fear in Israel that Hamas attacks will continue at the present time. “Israel has the right to defend itself and has a duty to protect its citizens. This is only possible if you fight terrorism.”

VVD MP Ruben Brekelmans, also a guest in the studio, said that Hamas is moving into a densely populated area and is taking “a huge risk in relation to its citizens because of the work they have done. They are doing it very consciously.” According to Brekelmans, Hamas is showing that it does not care Not only about Israeli citizens, but it also does not care about its own citizens.

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“Mere bombing does not make Hamas disappear.”

“This makes it very difficult to fight them,” says Brekelmans. “They are in an area densely populated with all kinds of buildings, so just bombing them does not make Hamas go away.” He states that it will take a long time and will be a complex process to deal with Hamas. “I hope there are as few civilian casualties as possible, but I think we should all set our hearts on it.”

Read more:

CIDI director sees increase in anti-Semitism in Netherlands after Hamas attack on Israel: ‘It’s crazy’

By: Manon Immerzel

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